How would YOU describe God? What kind of adjectives come to mind? Go on, really think about it for a minute before you continue reading. I already know what I think.
Most people think of God as a man. Man was created in God's image right? So calling God Him and thinking about Him in
masculine terms just seems to go hand in hand. How would you describe a man then? As strong? Confident? What about provider and protector? Yes yes yes! My God is all those things!
But I think God is more! "He made them in His image...male and female he created them." (Gen 1:27) Let's think now about how you would describe a woman. As compassionate? Nurturing? Would you even say romantic? Adventurous and beautiful?
Wait just one second, assuming you're following me here and that maybe you can agree, how many of you had beautiful in your original descriptive words about God?
It just makes sense though doesn't it? What about that sunset or the amazing colors the leaves make before they fall? All stunningly beautiful. That wonderful beach haven that calms your soul, coincidence? Beauty is so inherently God and so inherently feminine.
A woman knows she yearns to bring beauty to this world, as does God.
Reflection question: How are you misconstruing God in your mind? Who is He really?
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